
Elfyn’s safety brings Christmas cheer23rd Dec 2016

This year the children of Crawford Primary School got an early Christmas present from a different sort of Elf.

 When Elfyn Evans, plant operator for Jones Bros on SSE’s Clyde Extension wind farm, received an award from Balfour Beatty for his innovative safety practices he chose to donate it to the local primary school in Crawford. This generous act was then matched by both the Jones Bros and SSE bringing the total donation to £200.

 Elfyn’s kind gesture, as well as the donations from Jones Bros and SSE,  has been put towards a Christmas trip to the panto for the children of Crawford Primary school.

 Pauline Allison, SSE’s project liaison manager said: “When we heard about Elfyn’s kind donation to Crawford school SSE and Jones Bros wanted to help make the money go even further.”

For more information on Clyde Extension please visit sse.com/clydeextension
