
Jones Bros complete Airbus access improvements ahead of schedule27th Oct 2015

Leading North Wales-based civil engineering company Jones Bros has improved access to the site of one of the region’s largest employers two days ahead of schedule.

Jones Bros was awarded a positive score of 93% for its work at Airbus in Broughton, Flintshire, based on the aircraft manufacturer’s in-house project rating system.

Airbus contracted Jones Bros and consulting engineers Tier Consult to carry out highway improvements to the West Factory during the two-week summer shut down.

Jones Bros upgraded street lighting, resurfaced an existing roundabout and reconstructed footpaths, improving access for more then 6,000 employees.

The work involved several weeks of forward planning and liaison with the local authority and subcontractors to ensure all works were completed in a timely manner.

The improvement works to the west of the site were due to take two weeks, but were successfully completed after 12 days.

The project, in conjunction with Flintshire County Council, also included replacing 15 lighting columns with energy efficient LED lights.

Hefin Lloyd-Davies, Jones Bros regional manager for North Wales, said: “We are very pleased to have successfully completed this project ahead of schedule, minimising any disruption to drivers using the area.

“The two week shut down provided a window to carry out improvements to the roundabout as it was impossible to carry out these works using traffic lights when the factory is operational. The traffic management was agreed and carried out in conjunction with Airbus and Flintshire County Council’s highways department.”
