A Scottish wind farm designed and constructed by Jones Bros has been recognised as one of the most productive in the UK.
The 12 Vestas 850kW turbines at the Allt Dearg community wind farm in Argyll generated 44GWh in 2013, operating at twice as high as the UK’s average capacity.
The £3m development is one of ten Scottish wind farms that Jones Bros has delivered balance of plant civils and electricals infrastructure services for. The ten wind farms have a combined total of 166 turbines, worth more than £66m and with a capacity of more than 388MW.
James McColl, who managed the Allt Dearg project, said: “It’s built on top of a mountain with extremely high winds, so it was a very challenging job – but one I’m proud of managing.
“We had a window of about eight weeks between July and August where the winds died down enough to allow you to install the turbines, so there were a number of things we had to factor in.
“All we could do was plan ahead down to the very last detail, but we completed it and that work seems to be paying off now.
“It’s great that it’s fulfilling its potential as such a productive wind farm.”
The project, developed by Lomond Energy and completed in 2012, also has significant benefits for the local community, with a portion of the wind farm profits going to an educational trust to provide bursaries to assist local youngsters into higher education.