Construction of material recycling facility for the treatment of non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste. Developed on the client’s existing landfill and composting site, the MRF has the capacity to process 100,000 tonnes of waste per year.
Bulk earthworks phase:
- Bulk excavation – 105,000m3 excavated and brought up to design level with 120,000m3 of engineered clay, compacted in layers and mechanically stabilised with granular layer.
Civils and structural works:
- Construction of 70m x 65m steel framed building
- Construction of 7000m2 of external hardstanding – 200mm thick PAV2 concrete slab
- Drainage – 550L/m of 300mm twinwall underground drainage laid
- Drainage channel – 180m of cast insitu with 1:300 fall
- Ground bearing slab – (65m x 70m) – 200mm thick constructed on top of 48 concrete pad foundations
- Concrete push walls – 270L/m, 350mm thick, cast in-situ, varying from 3.2m to 5m in height.
- Internal concrete pit (200m2) – 2.8m deep, constructed to accommodate a waste conveyor belt, tying in with ground bearing slab at top of pit walls
- Office and welfare facilities (195m2) – constructed and installed