
Renewables UK 20107th Dec 2010

Jones Bros, is aiming to make a big impression at the national renewable energy show in Glasgow from November 2-4.

The location for Renewables UK 2010 has extra significance for Jones Bros, which launched its first regional office in Scotland earlier this year.

The company has also just completed its biggest ever wind farm contract, undertaking £20m of vital infrastructure work for Fred Olsen Renewables at Crystal Rig II, Dunbar, Scotland.
Computerised visualisation techniques will give visitors to the Jones Bros Renewables UK exhibition stand a bird’s eye view of the massive Crystal Rig II site.

Via a 42 inch televisual screen, they will enjoy a realistic airborne tour, including the ability to control their own flight up to and around the wind turbines.

A second 42 inch screen will showcase specially-commissioned 3D images of specialist pieces of civil engineering plant owned by Jones Bros. The images appear in 3D without the need to wear 3D glasses.

Family-owned Jones Bros is building a strong reputation as a niche wind farm balance of plant provider, having been an early leader in developing expertise to construct infrastructure for the renewable energy sector.

It has also recently completed: a £3.5m contract for Eneco, building the balance of plant for Tullo – a seven-turbine wind farm near Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire.

Construction of the onshore infrastructure for Gwynt y Mor, one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world.

Renewables UK 2010 is the UK’s premier renewable energy event and Jones Bros will be rubbing shoulders with fellow contractors, utilities firms, leading manufacturers, developers, financiers, NGOs and research institutes – all with an interest in renewable energy.

UK Energy Minister, Charles Hendry, and Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond, will be among keynote speakers at the three-day event.

In all there will be more than 200 speakers and 250 exhibitors, with more than 3,000 visitors expected to attend.
