
Residents flock to see latest wind farm completed by Jones Bros28th Sep 2013

More than 200 people braved wet weather in north Yorkshire to see the latest wind farm constructed by Jones Bros.

Residents were given the opportunity to see a turbine at close hand during an open day at Sixpenny Wood Wind Farm in Yorkshire when experts were on hand to answer questions.
Visitors to the site, near Howden, also enjoyed a short film produced by local production company Golden Media, as well as a tour of the site.

The £3.6m contract for the balance of plant civils and electrical infrastructure for ten Repower 2.0MW turbines was carried out by Jones Bros, on behalf of client AES.

The works involved the design and construction of 7km of site access tracks, as well as on site drainage, in compliance with local drainage board and landowner requirements.

It also included the construction of a Section 278 approved site entrance off a public highway and a steel and timber decked bridge to allow safe passage across a nearby drain.

The turbine and crane pad foundations were constructed using locally sourced steel and concrete, and a local building company was employed to build the scheme’s substation.
Installation of 5.5km of high voltage cable was also carried out, plus landscaping and reinstatement of all site tracks and crane pads.

A specialist subcontractor was brought in by Jones Bros to complete electrical installation work.
The wind farm will provide enough electricity to power the equivalent of around 11,500 average households.
